
In Icebreakers, I capture the strange shapes, patterns, and lines in frozen water that otherwise remain hidden in plain sight.

I live in New England, where the winters are long and harsh. I don’t enjoy winter. What makes it tolerable for me, is wandering around frozen lakes, streams, and puddles, photographing the strange worlds I find within. From peculiar shapes formed in ice, to optical illusions, to matter trapped inside, much is revealed when I look deeply into that world. Each discovery makes me pause and it makes me curious. I analyze the strange phenomena I observe and work to understand how they are being formed. 

Strings of bubbles of air caught in ice, bizarre at first sight, tell a story of ice forming slowly. Events as far apart in time as bubbles of air rising from the bottom of a lake, get compressed into one image, painted inside the ice. To me, this is mother nature’s version of time-lapse photography.

With a focus on Icebreakers, winters aren’t that bad, after all.